Be Mindful of your Facebook Status
Be Mindful of Your Facebook Status
I hope everyone had a chance to look at the blogs and pages for Life Insurance Awareness Month over the past four weeks. If you didn’t get a chance to check them out go to http://www.ekagency.com/blog and take a look.
This week EK Agency posted a page on why you should be mindful of your Facebook status. The complete page can be found at http://www.ekagency.com/be_mindful_of_your/facebook_status.aspx. Those of us that are on Facebook are just as guilty as the rest of us about posting that we are away from our home. Home invaders now have an efficient way to monitor the patterns of their targets and that is social media, particularly Facebook. This is the importance of why you and your family should be mindful of your Facebook status. Predators are now able to monitor your statuses and every move you make to establish your routine and then planning their crime.
Etler-Kettenacker Agency encourages everyone to be mindful of their Facebook status if you are away from home over the holidays. Do not let intruders into your life via social media.
Categories: Blog
Tags: Facebook status, home invasion