June 21, 2014

Types of Travel Insurance

In Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s last blog we outlined an event that happened to a couple while traveling.  There are many reasons to purchase a travel insurance plan.  This blog is dedicated to touching on the types of travel insurance offered by Seven Corners.  Seven Corners offers several plans for the occasional traveler to the frequent traveler the benefits and plan coverages have been outlined in previous EK Agency blogs.  Before wrapping up our “types of travel insurance” topic there are three additional types of travel insurance that is offered by Seven Corners and EK Agency.  These types of travel insurance are geared toward multi-trip, student and worldwide medical travel insurance. 


Multi-trip or Annual Travel Insurance is for the frequent traveler.  This type of coverage provides evacuation and medical coverage when you are away from your permanent residence.  This plan covers all trips during your policy period that are less than 30 or 45 days depending on which plan is best for you and your travel needs.  The multi-trip or annual travel insurance covers:

  • Up to $1,000,000 in medical coverage

  • Emergency evacuation, repatriation and 24-hour assistance

  • Additional coverages include political evacuation and terrorism


The second type of insurance offered by EK Agency and Seven Corners is Student Travel Medical Insurance.  There are two types of travel insurance for students; Liaison Student and Student Express.  Liaison Student medical coverage covers students and their dependents that are temporarily residing outside their home country.  Liaison Student coverage includes:

  • Coverage is afforded to students, scholars and faculty who travel outside their home country to participate in full-time education and/or research.

  • Maternity coverage is provided

  • 24-hour assistance services


Student Express applies to full-time students, scholars and faculty as well.  This plan is less expensive than the Liaison Student plan because it is geared for the student only.  This plan does not provide coverage for dependent nor does it provide maternity coverage.

The third of the three types of travel insurance featured this week is Worldwide Medical Insurance.  The blanket definition of Worldwide Medical Insurance is medical insurance that covers you no matter where you live.  There are two Worldwide Medical Insurance types of travel insurance

  • Individuals who reside outside the U.S. at least 180 days who desire U.S. style of medical coverage.

  • Prime also covers foreign nationals traveling often or residing in their home country.

  • Covers new illnesses or injuries based on the area where you are being treated.

  • Choice of coverage including U.S. and Canada or coverage excluding U.S. and Canada.


The Reside coverage is for people residing in foreign countries and require the flexibility to travel and keep their medical coverage.  This plan includes a scheduled list of benefits based on a predetermined dollar amount per procedure.  This plan offers the most flexibility but has some limitations regarding medical services provided.


The series of three blogs on types of travel insurance began with a true story about a couple who experienced a medical emergency while traveling and the extensive monetary loss they experienced because their traditional medical coverage afforded to them in the U.S. did not cover them while traveling.  Travel insurance can not only ensure you are medically taken care of it can ensure you are financially covered as well.  If you plan to be traveling EK Agency can match you with the right travel insurance plan for you. 


Categories: Blog

Tags: travel i, travel medical insurance, worldwide medical coverage

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