Self-Driving Cars: An Update
We’ve talked about self-driving cars before, debating the pros and cons of these cars of the future.
However, this week, Bloomberg Technology posted a bullish case for self-driving cars.
In this article, the media mogul quoted a recent study by insurance broker Aon Plc. According to Aon, premiums for U.S. auto insurers may drop more than 40 percent once the use of automated vehicles has been fully adopted by 2050. Aon analyst Paul Mang was careful to specify the conditions under which premiums would be affected; namely, when the technology is fully adopted and implemented. Most notably, self-driving systems will have the biggest affect on the safety of parcel delivery trucks and commercial lines.
However, this technology is a double-edged sword.
While self-driving cars will undeniably make the roads safer, the electronic nature of their systems leaves them vulnerable to attack. Stefan Schulz, the global head of motor and property consulting at Munich Re, sums it up:
“The new technology will improve a lot of things but it will also bring new risks such as hacker attacks on connected cars and rear-end collision of trucks driving in automated convoys. It’s still a long way before vehicles are fully autonomous on our roads.”
Hopefully by the time this technology becomes available, there’s also sufficient technology to protect the cars’ self-driving systems.
Until then, put your phone down and drive safely!
Source: Bloomberg Technology, Self-Driving Cars to Cut U.S. Insurance Premiums 40%.
Photo credit: smoothgroover22
Categories: Blog
Tags: auto insurance, Bloomberg Technology, car accident, Car Insurance, cars, coverage, Google, hackers, Liability, policy, premium, reduce premiums, self-driving car