February 21, 2013



Did you know that catastrophic losses both domestic and abroad can raise your personal and commercial insurance premiums?  Due to recent hurricanes in New York and New Jersey and a devastating tornado in Joplin, Missouri the companies that reinsure your insurance carrier are causing your carrier to raise its rates to compensate for the catastrophic losses.  Check out Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s page on what it means to reinsure and what reinsurance means to you as a consumer by clicking here.

There are actions that you as a personal and commercial insurance customer can take to offset the rise in insurance premiums due to catastrophic losses.  Etler-Kettenacker Agency can shop your current insurance coverage with several different and reputable companies that have not had to reinsure with their insurance companies.  Or, EK’s customer service staff can look for ways to reduce your premium or bundle coverage to offset the rise in your premium.  To contact one of Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s experienced customer service staff members click here.

While natural disasters are unavoidable and unfortunate there are resolutions to avoid the rise in your premium to protect your financial safety.  And the understanding of what it means to reinsure provides you as a consumer with the knowledge and awareness of monitoring your insurance premiums after a natural disaster occurs.  With this knowledge and the help of Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s staff you can reduce the risk of your financial security.  Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s staff is always here to help their current and new customers.  For more information and to have your personal and commercial plans evaluated click here.

Categories: Blog

Tags: catastrophe, reinsure

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