April 25, 2013

Flo or Mayhem: Who Done It?

Flo or Mayhem: Who Done It?

The Davis family came home one Friday evening after a night out.  It was a normal evening until they walked into their family home and instantly noticed that something wasn’t right.  Mr. Davis had unlocked the front door so they did not suspect that there was a home intrusion however something didn’t seem right. 

Upon entering the house there was an “I love insurance” badge on the floor in the foyer.  Mr. Davis asked Mrs. Davis if she dropped this badge out of her purse on their way out the door for dinner.  “No, sweetie.  I have never had such a thing.  You know, that Flo lady on those Progressive commercials wears one of those on her apron.”  Curious but not startled Mr. and Mrs. Davis sent their daughter and son upstairs to get ready for school the next day.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis went into their kitchen to get their morning coffee ready and to prepare their children’s lunch for the next day when Nicholas, their son, yelled down the stairs: “Mom! Mom! Mommy!”

“What Nicholas!” Mrs. Davis replied.

“There are muddy shoe prints in my room and muddy paw prints!” exclaimed Nicholas.


“I said there are muddy…”

“I know what you said Nicholas.” replied Mrs. Davis and she made her way up the stairs.

When Mrs. Davis entered Nicholas’ room she found exactly that, muddy shoe prints and paw prints coming from the window and around his room.  Mrs. Davis frantically searched the rest of the house and did not find anymore muddy prints of any kind.  What she did find was another “I Love Insurance” badge in the children’s bathroom and the master bathroom.  She brought the badges down to her husband.

            “What do you think this is all about honey?”  Mrs. Davis inquired of her husband.

            “Well,” Mr. Davis chuckled, “It looks like Flo from Progressive broke into our house

            through the children’s window.” 

Did Flo from Progressive enter the Davis’ home to promote Progressive OR is this the work of Mayhem?Go to Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s Facebook page to solve the mystery.

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