Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s Year in Review
Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s Year in Review
This week Etler-Kettenacker Agency wanted to review with our clients and friends some key insurance topics discussed in our articles and blogs of 2013. The Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s Year in Review article can be found at http://www.ekagency.com/etler_kettenacker_agencys/year_in_review.aspx. Please take a moment to review the article and the key issues of 2013.
The purpose of Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s Year in Review is to prepare our friends and clients for possible new life changes in 2014. Ladies, did you receive a special piece of jewelry this holiday season? Gentlemen, did that special someone surprise you with a new car on Christmas morning? These are items that need to be insured. Beside possessions, 2014 may bring a new addition to the family or a new family home. Both property insurance and life insurance would need to be reviewed if these wonderful life events are going to occur for you and your family in 2014.
By reviewing Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s Year in Review you may be reminded to evaluate or re-evaluate your insurance needs. EK Agency has access to many companies for ANY type of insurance need you may have. Please contact one of EK Agency’s friendly and helpful representatives anytime to have any of your 2014 insurance questions answered.
Categories: Blog
Tags: home insurance, home protection, insurance needs, life changes, life insurance