Back to School: Bus Safety
School buses are awesome. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), these yellow vehicles:
- keep roughly 17.3 million cars off the roads each morning,
- are far less likely to be involved in accidents, and
- are easily the safest mode of transportation for your kids.
Moreover, today’s school buses are designed to be safer than ever, and drivers are expected to undergo rigorous training and education to get your kids safely to and from school.
But no matter how safe school buses are, it’s important for kids and parents to follow a few simple safety guidelines:
1. Arrive at your designated bus stop a few minutes early, and take a few big steps away from the street!
2. Never walk behind the bus or play near a parked bus.
3. Keep your distance from the bus.
If you or your child must cross in front of it, use the sidewalk to walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus before crossing — and be sure to make visual contact with the driver first.
4. Always use sidewalks and walk as far from vehicles as possible.
5. Don’t be distracted — ditch the iPhone and headphones (parents, too!)
For more information, please visit the NHTSA website. Happy start of the school year!
Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, School Buses.
Categories: Blog
Tags: back to school, bus safety, Family, Kids, school bus safety, school bus stop, transportation