Apple to Prevent Texting While Driving
We all know we shouldn’t be texting while driving.
Soon, Apple will make it impossible to text and drive.
Apple’s iOS 11, a new version of the operating software for Apple mobile devices, will contain a “Do Not Disturb While Driving” feature. Whenever the device is connected to a car using either Bluetooth or a cable — or if the car is moving — the phone will withhold any notifications for things like text messages or news updates. (Don’t worry about being rude — the sendee will get an automatic text explaining that the driver is currently unable to respond.)
The iPhone screen will also be locked to prevent drivers from using most apps while driving (one notable exception are navigation apps, such as Apple and Google). Passengers who are riding will have the ability to indicate that they are not driving and disable the feature.
Surely, this is a step in the right direction. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, eight people are killed each day in crashes involving distracted driving, of which cell phone usage is the primary culprit.
Sources: CDC, Distracted Driving | CNN Blog, Soon, iPhones will block texts while driving
Photo credit: Flickr/Alex Ragone
Categories: Blog
Tags: Car Insurance, cars, Distracted Driving, iPhone iOS 11, safe driving, safety, texting while driving