6 Storm Preparation Tips for Homeowners
Spring has sprung in Cincinnati, which means it’s storm season! Thunderstorms can obviously wreak havoc on your home and yard, but there are several things homeowners can do to prepare.
Here are 6 storm preparation tips for homeowners:
1. Clear your gutters
You probably haven’t done this since the fall — and leaf buildup, ice melt and even dirt have likely collected since then. Keep your gutters in tip-top shape with regular, seasonal cleanings.
2. Consider a portable generator
These are not for everyone, but may be something to consider if your neighborhood routinely suffers from storm-related outages. Read our guide to generators here.
3. Restock your first-aid kit
Every homeowner should have one; make sure your medicines are up-to-date (not expired), and be sure to include bottled water and shelf-stable food in your emergency stash.
4. Check your flashlights
Again — this tip sounds obvious, but you don’t want to be caught in a power outage in the dark!
5. Purchase a portable charger for your iPhone
When the power goes out, so does your landline (if you still have one!). You’ll also be unable to charge your smartphone. Purchase a portable charger so you won’t be left with a dead battery and no way to phone in an emergency.
6. Talk to your agent about flood insurance
Don’t wait on this one — have a discussion with your agent about whether or not you should add flood insurance to your policy! Why? Flood/storm damage is likely not included in your homeowner’s insurance.
Source: Duke Energy
Photo credit: Dan, Thunderstorm.
Categories: Blog
Tags: flood insurance, insurance, storms, tips for homeowners