November 1, 2017

4 Ways Technology Makes the Insurance Industry Better

There are lots of ways technology can be seen as a negative: smartphones are to blame for the recent increase in car accidents, robocalls flood our phone lines, consumers have to worry about online identity theft, the list goes on.

However. Insurance is a very personal industry, and technology has complimented and enhanced tactics that agents have been using since the beginning of time insurance. Don’t believe us?

Here are 4 ways technology makes the insurance industry better – and how clients (that’s you!) can benefit!

1. Personalized contact

 Personalized contact is an essential part of the agent-client relationship. But while a personalized contact once implied an in-person meeting at the corner agency, it’s no longer synonymous with face-to-face interaction.

Today, personalized contact means meeting the customer wherever they are – which, more often than not, results in a virtual interaction (phone, texting, email, etc.). And agents are responding to this by being flexible and accommodating to client’s schedules.

2.  Customer service

 These personal touches are the key to keeping clients happy. Does a customer like their policy? Have they experienced any life changes that may require more coverage? Do they have a new opportunity to save? There are a lot of insurance companies in the sea, so agents are going the extra mile to keep clients happy.

3. On-demand access

This is something that has traditionally been one of the biggest selling points of a local agent or small business. Agents used to provide their home phone numbers for clients to call in the event of an emergency – no matter the time of day.

Many agents still offer clients their personal cell numbers, but technology makes it possible to offer around-the-clock service through websites and mobile apps. Oftentimes, such technology makes it possible to file an off-hours claim, which your agent will follow up on the following business day.

4.  A  highly trained team

Nowadays, insurance agents undergo extensive training, ongoing education and seminars in order to best serve their clients. This means that you don’t need “the agent who’s been around 30 years” in order to get great service.

While nothing will ever replace the value of hard-earned experience, today’s tools can certainly speed the learning curve with on-demand learning and training. Access to a library of online tools means agents can pull up information in the middle of a client conversation to best answer their questions.

Of course, if you’re not getting the kind of treatment you want from your insurance company, it may be time to consider switching. Going with a smaller company is a great way to ensure that one-on-one relationship with you agent.

Photo credit: Flickr/Mick C.

Source: Safeco, 4 timeless insurance sales tactics modernized with tech


Categories: Blog

Tags: client retention, insurance, insurance agencies, insurance agent, small businesses, technology

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