Home » 3 Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating
October 14, 2015

3 Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating

Halloween season is upon us, with lots of local festivals and events happening before the big day. As your little ghouls and boys head out to collect their candy, make sure they follow these three tips for staying safe:

1. Never let your child trick-or-treat alone.

Children should only trick-or-treat with a group that includes enough responsible adults to manage excited kids in costumes that might make it difficult for them to be seen. A little reflective tape on costumes can also help here, ensuring that drivers can more easily see the group at night. Remind kids about pedestrian safety.

2. Remind kids about “stranger danger.” 

Halloween is a bit of an anomaly for kids because they’re essentially being told to interact with strangers. Make sure your kids know to stick together and keep to well-lit streets, sidewalks and established crosswalks. Better yet — trail behind them as they trick-or-treat.

3. Carry a flashlight — and a phone.

In addition to their candy sack, make sure each child carries a flashlight. Older kids should have a phone if they’re going out sans parents. In fact, it’s also helpful for adults to have a cellphone on hand in case of emergency. Plus — you’ll be able to snag some cute pictures of your kids trick-or-treating!

So stay safe this Halloween season! It’s a fun time of year for kids and parents.

Photo credit: Sarah M.
Source: American Academy of Pediatrics, Halloween Safety Tips.

Tags: halloween, kid safety, Kids, pedestrian safety, safety, trick-or-treat

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