Insure Your Love
Life insurance can be the most important and most valuable gift you or your family can give to your loved ones. The security that life insurance can provide your loved ones is invaluable. According to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) the average cost for a funeral is $6,000 to $7,000; this does not include flowers, markers and other expenses typically incurred for a funeral. More importantly, insuring your loved one has a greater purpose. Life insurance can ensure that your family that remains does not suffer from loss of income, financial debt and other hardships that a family would face after the loss of a loved one. For an example of what your family may face visit our blog by clicking here. In addition to leaving your loved one secure, life insurance can also be used to provide a savings for you or your loved ones. Life insurance is often viewed as money that can only be received upon a person’s death but there are plans that can also offer a savings plan. There are plans that accumulate cash value such as permanent life plans. Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s staff is familiar with all life plans and can help you choose the right one whether it is term or permanent life insurance, click here for more information.
No one wants to think about losing anyone they love but it’s a fact we all must face. Insuring your loved ones and yourself sooner than later will have the best financial impact on you and your family. No one knows when they will develop an illness or change in health status which could increase your life insurance premium or even make you uninsurable. Etler-Kettenacker Agency works with countless reputable life insurance companies such as Motorists Life, Ohio National, Protection and Prudential. Again, these are just a few reputable and reliable life insurance companies Etler-Kettenacker Agency represents. For a quote or information from one of our knowledgeable and expertly trained representatives about insure your love life insurance plans click here.
Please stay tuned to Etler-Kettenacker Agency’s website for future posts on commercial life insurance plans for valuable information on Key Man life insurance and Buy/Sell life insurance to protect your investment in your commercial business.