View All 25 Non-Traditional Treats for Trick-or-Treaters
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This week, we're wrapping up our Halloween-themed posts with a fun one: alternative treats to hand out.

Now we're not suggesting you hand out toothbrushes or boxes of raisins; but nowadays, there are lots of treat options that won't put you at risk for having a tree full of toilet paper on November 1!

Here are 25 ideas:

  1. Cereal bars/Nutrigrain bars
  2. Mini bags of microwave popcorn
  3. Snack bags of pretzels or Goldfish crackers
  4. Juice boxes
  5. Applesauce cups or squeezers
  6. Fruit leathers/fruit snacks
  7. Coupons for a free meal (Frisch's Big Boy is a popular one!)
  8. Coupons for free mini golf, bowling or local activity
  9. Mini bubbles
  10. Mini Play Doh
  11. Balls, jump ropes or handheld games
  12. Eye patches or Groucho glasses or weird teeth
  13. Glow sticks
  14. Mini cookie cutters
  15. Fun keychains
  16. Candy necklaces/bracelets
  17. Jelly bracelets or slap bracelets (remember those?)
  18. Temporary tattoos
  19. Notepads
  20. Packs of crayons
  21. Stencils
  22. Fun pencils/erasers
  23. Stickers
  24. Seeds for planting!
  25. Mini flashlights/whistles
Bonus: many of these items can be reused as party favors, craft supplies or in kids' school lunches, so no need to fret if you have leftovers. So, this Halloween, consider handing out non-traditional treats -- with so many fun options to choose from, you're sure to be a big hit with the kids!

If you missed our articles on Trick or Treat Safety for kids or Trick-or-Treat Tips for Homeowners, be sure to check those out before Saturday.

Happy Halloween!

Source: Green Halloween, Trick-or-Treasures.
Photo Credit: Sarah M.

Tags : Halloween, safety, kids, trick-or-treat, kid safety, pedestrian safety, homeowner's insurance, safety hazards, preventing accidents, trick-or-treat treats, non-traditional Halloween treats

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