December 9, 2015

If You’re Getting a Live Tree, Read This First!

If you’re a fan of live Christmas trees, you’re not alone! According to Statistics Brain Research Institute, the number annual sales of live trees outnumber fake by a margin of more than 3:1. Of the people on Team Real Tree, some 84% of them purchase a pre-cut tree.

This is dangerous for a few reasons:

  1. You don’t know how fresh that tree is, and
  2. The trunks are often sealed, meaning you can’t properly water the tree (and therefore creating a fire hazard.

If you’re one of the people who enjoy a fresh, lush, pine-y scented Christmas tree, we have a few tips for you so you can enjoy your tree AND stay safe this holiday season!

1. Start with a fresh tree.

To see if a tree passes muster, run your hand over its branches. If a lot of needles come off in your hand, it isn’t fresh enough.

2. Water your tree.

After you make a fresh cut at the bottom of the trunk, put the tree in water, and water it daily. A dry tree goes up in flames more easily than a watered one. If your tree is pre-cut, be sure to cut the bottom before setting it in your tree stand!

3. Keep your tree away from heat sources!

That spot in the corner may be perfect — but if it’s near a vent, your tree will dry out much faster! Also make sure it doesn’t block escape routes — like a door.

4. Pitch the tree after a month.

Even if you water them, trees usually last a maximum of four weeks.

So, have a Happy Holiday season — and just remember to take extra precautions when bringing a live tree into your house!

Source: Statistics Brain Research Institute, Christmas Tree Sales Statistics.
Photo Credit: Sarah M.

Categories: Blog

Tags: Christmas tree safety, Christmas trees, happy holidays, helpful tips, holiday hazards, holiday safety, home hazards, homeowner's tips, homeowners insurance, live trees, pre-cut trees

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