March 1, 2017

5 Life Milestones that Affect Your Car Insurance

As we get older and go through life’s many milestones, our car insurance premiums can change.

We know it’s probably the furthest thing from your mind (especially as you’re saying “I do!” or welcoming a new baby), but it’s true. Much of the time, these life changes affect your premiums for the better; meaning, they’ll result in significant savings.

Here are 5 life milestones that affect your car insurance:

1. Getting Married
Saying “I do” doesn’t just mean metaphorically joining your life with your partner’s; it also means joining your car insurance. Most of the time, this is a good thing, as combining policies results in an average savings of $525/year, according to Consumer Reports.

The exception to the rule? If your betrothed has a less-than-stellar driving record. If they have a history of lots of tickets or accidents, this could adversely affect your newly bundled policy.

2. Having a Baby
Trading in the two-door hatchback for a more sensible minivan? This could save you big time on your car insurance. As long as you don’t have any teen drivers (see below), a family minivan could save you over $200/year over your previous kid-free ride.

3. Buying a Home
By now, you know the drill: when you bundle policies, you save! So when you decide to purchase your first home, you’ll be happy to know that, although you’ll be paying a monthly mortgage and home insurance policy, your car insurance premium will go down (as long as you use the same insurer for both policies). For a two-car couple, this savings averages around $240/year.

4. Having a Teen Driver
Well, this is where your car insurance begins to go up… teen drivers are not good news for your insurance! And whether you have a son or daughter matters: adding a teenage boy will cost a married couple about $1,740; a girl, about $1,455. Eeks. Experts advise shopping around for the best deal — and keeping your kid’s grades up, too: most companies offer “good student” discounts that can help offset the addition of your teen on your policy.

5. Retirement
Older generally means wiser, except when it comes to driving. Insurance rates start to climb after age 60. There are “mature driving” courses that drivers can participate in to save money on their premiums; and sometimes belonging to the AARP can help lower your rates. Ask around, and don’t be afraid to switch insurers if you find a better deal.

As always for more information and answers to any of your insurance questions, please give us a call!

Sources: Consumer Reports, Milestones That Can Change Your Car Insurance Rates, For Better or Worse | Consumer Reports, The Financial Benefits of Marriage

Categories: Blog

Tags: bundling, Car Insurance, car insurance premiums, milestones, saving money

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